Treatment of periodontal-related diseases, commonly known as periodontitis, as well as diseases of the oral mucosa.
The progression of periodontitis depends on the composition of the bacterial flora in the oral cavity and the thoroughness of the hygienic procedures performed by the patient.
A very important pathogenic factor is smoking. The most important measure to protect against the progression of periodontitis is prevention.
It consists of oral hygiene measures performed by the patient at home, and periodic professional removal of dental deposits (tartar and plaque) at the dentist’s office. Scaling can be performed by a dentist or a trained hygienist. However, if there is damage to the tissues surrounding the tooth, the role of the peridontist is to catch the inflammatory process at the earliest possible stage, reduce the damaging factors as much as possible and gradually rebuild the lost tissues.
We offer a full range of peridontolgical procedures:
From extraction of supragingival and subgingival calculus, sandblasting and varnishing of teeth, to splinting (to achieve mutual stabilization) to surgical procedures to clean and regenerate bone defects with Emdogain, Fisiograft, BIO-oss, Easygraft, own bone and various biomembrane systems.
It’s the ideal solution for gingival and subgingival prophylaxis for complex restorations and implants. Precise treatment with a specialized sand, based on glycine or erythritol, effectively removes biofilm from pockets 4 mm to 10 mm deep, both around natural teeth and implants, Regular prophylaxis with Air Flow therapy ensures permanent reduction of bacteria preventing tooth loss (periodontitis) or implant loss (periimplantitis).
In order to assess the condition of the bone and its predisposition to implants, a PANTOMOGRAPHIC PHOTOGRAPHY should be taken and a consultation with an implantologist should be arranged. As a result, it may be necessary to perform a CT scan of the jaws as an additional diagnostic test or other general tests ordered by the implantologist.
We would also like to introduce you to one of the latest developments in implantology. This is the NobelGuide method of very precise implant treatment planning, developed and introduced to authorized offices by Nobel Biocare.
It allows immediate loading of the implants with the final prosthetic work, already made before the implant procedure. The procedure is carried out with minimal trauma to the tissues, and the healing period is incomparably shorter than in traditional methods.
Planning of the procedure is carried out on the basis of a CT scan of the jaws and a radiographic template made specifically for this purpose.
The CT images are then analyzed by the doctor in a computer program. In the spatial image of the bone are placed phantoms of implants, precisely matched to its shape and size. On this basis, a surgical template is generated, allowing the planned solutions to be transferred to the patient’s mouth during the procedure.
What does this procedure look like from the patient's side?
After treating any decay and periodontal disease (oral sanitation), we make radiographic templates (or use the patient’s old removable dentures for this purpose) and a CT scan. The doctor then analyzes the results obtained , makes a design for the restorations, orders the necessary components for the procedure and prosthetic work in a dental laboratory.
At this stage, there are no more impressions, fitting, adjustments, etc. An appointment is made with the patient for the procedure, after which he leaves with a complete final or temporary (depending on the arrangement) prosthetic work. Slight pain and tissue swelling subsides within a few days. There is no need to remove sutures, as we do not incise the gums, we only remove a small piece of them directly above the implant.
The entirety of this procedure allows us to perform any restoration on implants. As with other implant procedures, the prerequisite is the proper condition of the jawbone and the patient’s overall good health.